Privacy Policy
We comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union [2016 April 27 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation). ] and other laws protecting your information that we collect, use and store in our Company. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to learn more.
We, UAB Soltus, (address 301846294, Teatro St. 11-1, 03107 Vilnius, Lithuania) provide business analytics solutions implementation services. For this reason, we need to collect, use, and store information about our existing and potential customers.
UAB Soltus collects and stores personal data of the following categories:
basic data required for the above purposes: name, position, job details, address, contact details, etc .;
contact details such as address, telephone number, e-mail postal address, language of communication;
data required for the provision of services or the sale of goods: order data, information contained in invoices, data relating to payments, etc .;
data collected by means of communication and other technical means, such as - data by telephone, video and / or audio means, e - mail; mail, messages and other means of communication such as social networks;
data generated by electronic means of communication and services, such as traffic data - connection start date, time, duration, calling subscriber number, connection subscriber number, IP address used by the Internet user during connection, etc .;
data related to the Customer's visit to the www.soltus.lt website or using other communication channels of Soltus, UAB (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).
data related to the provision of services, such as data on the performance or non-performance of contracts, concluded transactions, valid or expired contracts, requests and complaints submitted, applicable service fees, etc .;
other data that is collected with your consent and that is defined in detail at the time your consent is requested.
Soltus UAB protects your personal data for no longer than required by the purposes of data processing or provided by legal acts. Unless otherwise provided by law, the data is stored for up to 3 years from the date of termination of the relationship with you.
If you would like to take the action described in Section 11 of the BDAR (including access to and requesting the deletion of information collected about you), please contact our contact person.
Contact person: +370 618 59878, simas.baranauskas@soltus.lt.